Journalist Kwok-yan of the Hong Kong online magazine Fever Sound did a very thorough Youtube review of the MU1. English subtitles have just become available so now the western world can also enjoy this very interesting review. He starts with a great statement: “The MU1 is a music streamer that may appear very simple, but from a functional and innovational point of view, I think it is absolutely revolutionary.”
Kwok-yan then compares the sound of a reference recording in several formats, played via the MU1. Due to our FPGA concept all versions are converted to 176.4 or 192 kHz ( ‘4fs’) by the MU1. He compares an original 192 kHz file to a DXD (384 kHz) file, down converted by the MU1 and is amazed by how much better the DXD version sounds, although the DAC still receives 192 kHz! DSD256 is also converted (to 176.4 kHz), but still keeps its character, with a “huge sound stage” and “very smooth, no digital artifacts whatsoever”. In other words: “The MU1 can convert from al these high res formats without losing any details.”
Other excerpts: “The MU1 is expensive, but its quality is obviously much better than all the equipment I have. From my tests on the Grimm Audio MU1 I was really pleasantly surprised that digital signal processing can be so powerful now. Not just the original sound quality of the file and format characteristics remains as distinctive as before processing, even ‘general’ or ‘so so’ quality sources can be brought up to high end level. So if you tried listening to files or streaming and felt the sound quality is still not as satisfying as from the original disc, after trying this MU1 you may change your mind. Make an appointment with your dealer for a listening session. It may turn out to be a very enlightening experience.”
“I think it is absolutely revolutionary.”
Kwok-yan, Fever Sound